Our principles

The Human Gate project is open to all Czech and Ukrainian companies that, by joining the project, commit to the following principles:

  • respect for the law and the rule of law,
  • zero tolerance of corruption, requirement of integrity, transparency and accountability,
  • promoting the exchange and dissemination of standards of professional and business ethics.

Respect for the law and the rule of law means doing business in accordance with the laws and regulations in force in the territory where the business operates, as well as applicable international legal standards.

Zero tolerance of corruption, requirement of integrity, transparency and accountability, means the inadmissibility of any type or form of bribery, offering or receiving illegal benefits, including the purposeful facilitation of formalities, regardless of whether such activities are carried out independently or through third parties. It is also about ensuring proper accounting and reporting, including the use of internal control tools to ensure that all business transactions are accurately and fairly recorded.

Encouraging the exchange and dissemination of professional and business ethics standards means sharing with your business partners professional and business standards that enhance competitiveness and the ability to cooperate and that increase trust between market participants. This includes sharing experiences, best practices and successful examples of cooperation.


In the event that an information appears in public sources that suggests activity contrary to the Humangate principles, a company may be temporarily excluded from the Humangate platform until such information is disproved.